Hardware rejuvenation of facial skin with phonophoresis

Hardware cosmetology offers different types of facial procedures. In the photo before and after each procedure you can see the differences, pros and cons, as well as take into account the contraindications when using different methods of skin rejuvenation. Methods of exposing the skin apparatus are relevant in the 21st century, have broad prospects, as they combine healing properties with aesthetic effect.

Advantages of hardware cosmetology

Cosmetic procedures with the help of devices make it possible to improve the plastic characteristics of the face without surgery. Here are some of the benefits of hardware cosmetology:

  • short recovery period after procedures;
  • the effect of rejuvenation after 50 years;
  • possibility for administration without additional anesthesia;
  • lack of long preparation;
  • simplicity of hardware impact methods;
  • skin improvement;
  • application of natural exposure factors known to the body;
  • small number of contraindications;
  • Electric facial massage
  • no age restrictions, universal methods.

Physiotherapy uses such influences that are related to natural processes in the body, such as myostimulation, UVB therapy, electrical stimulation, high-frequency and low-frequency magnetotherapy, laser and ultrasound radiation. Many physiotherapy treatments are used in hardware cosmetology. They are combined with active nourishment and moisturizing of the skin and other cosmetic procedures.

With the help of devices cosmetologists achieve various effects - lifting, correcting pigmentation, treating acne and irritations, cleansing and nourishing the skin, tightening the oval face. To eliminate some defects, a complex treatment with several cosmetic devices with different spectrum of action is used.

Areas of application of devices in cosmetology

After 40 years, the skin partially loses its elasticity.Tight facial skin after hardware techniquesCreams and care products, even the most modern, do not penetrate deep into the skin. Cosmetic products can penetrate to greater depths through the methods of hardware therapy. In this way the area of ​​their application is significantly increased. The external parameters of the skin are improved, the processes of wilting are significantly slowed down.

IMPORTANT: Is it possible to achieve a good effect at home with the help of cosmetic devices? There are devices for self-use. They are effective even though they have low power and must be used long enough to get the expected result.

Mesoporation (non-invasive mesotherapy), ultrasound lifting, electrical stimulation are widely used to rejuvenate the skin. Electromyostimulation is usually used to improve the oval and increase muscle tone. Other methods are used to get rid of a wide range of problems. These are, for example, age spots, scars and wrinkles, wide pores, weak tone of the muscles of the face and neck.

How hardware cosmetology can help:

  • make the skin smooth, remove fine wrinkles;
  • smoothes acne scars, measles scars and other blemishes;
  • improve skin turgor, reduce sagging cheeks;
  • Vacuum facial cleansing
  • removing age spots;
  • remove unnecessary tattoos;
  • treat cellulite areas of the body until it disappears;
  • heals hair roots and scalp;
  • hair removal on the face and body;
  • treat vascular capillaries on the skin;
  • removal of warts and papillomas.
Contraindications to the use of hardware therapy include blood diseases, intolerance to certain substances or influences, certain genetic diseases, oncology, pregnancy. In any case, if you have doubts about whether it is worth using hardware cosmetic procedures, you should consult a specialist.

Popular cosmetic procedures using hardware

Cleansing and therapeutic procedures using hardware technology have emerged relatively recently. They are constantly improving, new devices are appearing.Before and after microcurrent therapyWe offer you a brief overview of the most popular trends in hardware cosmetology.

Microcurrent therapy for face

According to research by European experts, stimulating the skin with a weak electric current helps to increase the content of elastin in it by 40-50 percent, collagen - by 10-12 percent. As a result of the action of the current on the inner layers of the epidermis, accelerated cell division occurs, additional supply of nutrients to them due to improved blood flow. The amount of chemical elements in the skin cells increases. There is an increased supply of oxygen. After the procedure, creams and masks are better absorbed. To achieve significant results in improving the skin with the help of microcurrent therapy, it is recommended to perform a full course of several procedures. But even after the first procedure there is a significant improvement in skin health.

Hardware massage

In aesthetic cosmetology, a variety of hardware massages are used to improve skin function, increase tone, eliminate defects in the form of wrinkles and cellulite formations. It is also actively used for weight loss and body contouring. This massage, in addition to cosmetic functions, also has significant healing properties.Before and after a hardware massageBefore self-massage the skin is cleansed, the device should be moved along the massage lines, no more than 2-3 minutes in each place.

Avoid touching the device where there are moles, papillomas, or inflamed areas. The massage machine usually has different settings that can be set to the desired mode. It depends on which area of ​​the body or face is affected and for what purpose. Now such types of hardware massages as lymphatic drainage, vacuum, vibrations, water are popular.

INFORMATION: the combination of massage and physiotherapy has given rise to methods to improve skin parameters with the help of an apparatus. Hardware cosmetology includes many types of procedures for face and body, in the photos you can see the skin before and after treatment, notice the differences, pros and cons, take into account the contraindications.

Some indications for cosmetic massage:

  • weak skin tone, leading to sagging cheeks;
  • cramps, muscle spasms;
  • presence of wrinkles;
  • puffiness;
  • stretching of the skin;
  • cellulite, overweight.
Contraindications to such massage can be various skin diseases, allergies, metabolic disorders. To be sure of the benefits of hardware massage procedures, you should consult a medical professional and, if necessary, undergo a general examination.



This method was initially used to stimulate blood circulation and metabolic processes in physiotherapy. Its name comes from the surname of the French physicist and physiotherapist d'Arsonval. High frequency alternating current at high voltage is applied to parts of the body through glass tubes. In cosmetology, this procedure has become popular due to its availability, lack of side effects and simplicity.

The device is small and quite effective not only in beauty salons, but also at home. With this device you can quickly get rid of acne, acne, inflammation. It is also possible to keep the skin beautiful, timely treat fine wrinkles, enlarged pores, get rid of excess oil or dryness. Such devices cope well with spider veins and skin regeneration. Under the influence of high-frequency current, blood circulation increases and metabolic processes in the skin are activated.

Facial myostimulation

The myostimulation procedure can be performed both in beauty salons and aesthetic medicine centers, and at home. The device acts on the muscles with a series of electrical impulses (through skin electrodes). Muscle contractions from apparatus stimulation may be related to contractions during maximum exercise. This contributes to a significant increase in skin tone and smoothness. The following steps are usually required to use the machine:

  • cleansing the skin of cosmetics;
  • set the required duration and intensity;
  • placing electrodes on the face or body, they must be symmetrical;
  • activates the active mode of the device;
  • move electrodes to the next section;
  • application of cosmetic care products.

INFORMATION: Myostimulants are fixed on the desired part of the body and do not require manual manipulation, which allows you to do other things during the procedures or just relax. Most muscle stimulants are battery powered. There are some contraindications to their use, so it is advisable to first consult a specialist before using.


This is a method of skin repair using abrasives. It is based on the ability of abrasive particles to penetrate the skin and exfoliate the keratinized parts of the skin. Abrasive microparticles have good penetrating properties. Exfoliation (skin repair) frees up space for further growth of skin tissue. Currently, the devices use two types of abrasives: diamond dust and aluminum dioxide. After processing, the remaining abrasive dust is removed using a vacuum.



This method relies on the body's response to cooling. After a short-term decrease in skin temperature, various hormones are released, including endorphins, adrenaline, and immunity and blood supply increase. Several different types of cryotherapy devices are now practiced in beauty salons. Some of them are:

  • hardware cryo-spray: liquid nitrogen (from -180 to -50 degrees) is sprayed through a special device;
  • cryoelectrophoresis: frozen chemicals are injected under the skin using electrical impulses;
  • cryochambers: chambers with cold air and nitrogen (-130 degrees) for the whole body.


These devices are based on the use of weak electrical pulses (40-50mA) with low voltage. Its effect causes an increase in the content of histamine, serotonin and other active components in the subcutaneous layer. Cosmetic technologies use devices for iontophoresis and disinfection. The first type of device transmits current to the surface of the skin through specialized attachments. It is used to treat couperosis, acne, pigmentation, smoothing facial wrinkles. The second type of device is designed for cleaning. It combines the use of alkaline solutions with galvanizing. Loosening the skin contributes to its deep degreasing and removal of dead skin flakes.

Hardware peeling efficiency

Before and after the hardware peeling

Hardware peeling, unlike manual peeling, allows you to achieve the effect of youth and freshness in less time. Different types of peels with the help of devices clean and help nourish all layers of the epidermis. The cleansing is deep and involves a cellular level. Devices for other purposes, such as ultrasonic and laser liposuction devices, operate on the principles of tissue cleansing and stimulation. These methods are used to eliminate excess weight, fat deposits. Laser peels not only remove the top layer of the epidermis, it improves blood circulation and muscle tone when exposed to light waves. The innovative laser coating with fractional lasers, with very deep cleaning, practically does not cause damage.

INFORMATION: The category of devices for procedures in aesthetic medicine, in contrast to the invasive category, is less complex, more painless and non-traumatic to use. It is ideal for those who advocate minimal interference with natural processes in the body.

There is a hardware peel for home use. In particular, ultrasonic peeling machines clean the skin, remove dead particles, thus stimulating the processes of metabolism and growth of new cells. With enlarged pores, they contribute to their narrowing. The result of the procedure is an increase in the smoothness of the skin, changing its color to warmer and fresher shades. Also for home devices, nozzles for mechanical and vacuum peeling are common.Ultrasonic peelingMore complex types of peels are made by specialists in salons and centers of aesthetic medicine.

Rejuvenation without surgery became available with the advent of hardware types of cosmetology. This field of aesthetic medicine constantly offers interesting programs for the care of your appearance. New devices are being created, old ones are being improved, taking into account modern technologies. Many devices use a complex of several types of effects simultaneously: vacuum, ultrasonic, electric. For example, in a method such as lymphatic drainage. The procedure improves the movement of lymph, as a result of which the swelling decreases, the metabolic processes in the body are restored and the blood circulation increases.

Hardware cosmetology uses high-tech types of devices designed specifically for facial procedures, the effectiveness of which is confirmed by numerous photos before and after application, the advantages of this method far outweigh the disadvantages, and there are few contraindications. Traditional beauty care products (creams or masks) in combination with the latest technologies give excellent results and help you look harmonious and young.